Press & Publications


Press Articles

Trump’s Impact on CO and NV Senate Races – and Senator Cory Gardner’s Winning Model

May 11, 2016

Total Spectrum Managing Director Steve Gordon weighs in on the changing dynamics of the 2016 presidential race down ticket, bringing into question the GOP’s chances of flipping two western Senate seats from blue to red. Steve also comments on Senator Cory Gardner's (R-CO) previous recipe for success with the Latinos, quite influential in both Colorado and Nevada.

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Court Challenge to CFPB Highlights Constitutional Questions

April 26, 2016

In a op/ed piece for the Credit Union Times, Total Spectrum Senior Partner John McKechnie warns that the mere existence of the Consumer Finance Protection Board (CFPB) may be unconstitutional.

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Reflecting on the Loss of a Mentor: Longtime Credit Union Lobbyist Charles ‘Chuck’ Zuver Dies at 83

February 26, 2016

Charles “Chuck” Zuver, a former lobbyist for the credit union community, died on Feb. 14 at the age of 83. John McKechnie, Total Spectrum Senior Partner, offers a letter of tribute and thanks to Mr. Zuver, reflecting upon a bygone era in lobbying.

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The dangers housed at ports worldwide by Erik Autor

September 2, 2015

​Erik Autor’s letter to the editor appeared in the Washington Post on 8/17/2015

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A snapshot of what’s happening at the Port of Prince Rupert

June 29, 2015

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Transformation Challenges and Opportunities for the Bangladesh Garment Industry

June 29, 2015

​Erik Autor recently spoke on the “Transformation Challenges and Opportunities for the Bangladesh Garment Industry” at the Bangladesh Development Conference hosted by the South Asia Institute and the International Sustainable Development Institute of Harvard University.

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What’s Happening at the British Columbia Ports?

March 1, 2015

Eric Autor discusses the ILWU/PMA port labor contract negotiations, congestion, and a variety of other operational problems and the resulting challenges.

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POLITICO: Gordon’s Party Sees Big Turnout

February 14, 2015

About 300 people join Senator Cory Gardner to honor veteran fundraiser Steve Gordon.

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Steve Gordon Leaves Field of Professional Campaign Financing

December 18, 2014

Managing Director of Total Spectrum, Steve Gordon, focusing more attention on the Total Spectrum firms and their goals.

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Obama Administration Loosens Ban on Lobbyists in Government

August 13, 2014

New York Times Article discussing new lobbying rule - a change due to the efforts of Total Spectrum Partner, Erik Autor.

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