This Week in Washington - Week of January 8, 2018

This Week in Washington - Week of January 8, 2018

January 12, 2018

Happy, healthy, and successful New Year.

This begins the second year of our affiliation with the Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry. We are very
grateful for the warm and positive response we’ve received to This Week in Washington, and we’re grateful to everyone at the Arizona Chamber for their assistance, encouragement, and support.

We will continue last year’s structure and format, and we’ll augment it with more interviews from key individuals around Washington. We’re discussing other creative ways to bring information about Washington, D.C. to the members of the Arizona Chamber – and we’ll keep you advised.

Steve Gordon sets the stage for 2018 with an overview of where we start the year in Heard on the Hill. Larry Smith
provides the latest on NAFTA renegotiation process and trade. Dana Marston shares this week’s hearing calendar, as well as graphics on the increased minimum wage, unemployment rates, the upcoming tax season, and a new
form of health plan made possible by a presidential executive order.

Thanks for your continued interest in Washington, D.C. and for reading This Week in Washington. Here’s to a great 2018.