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Press Articles

This Week in Washington - Week of June 19, 2017

June 20, 2017

Thanks for your continued interest in Washington, D.C., and for reading This Week in Washington. John McKechnie describes the House bill designed to reform Dodd-Frank. Larry Smith updates us on trade and NAFTA. Steve Gordon describes last week’s bravery at the ballpark as well as what is being said about the legislative agenda in Heard on the Hill. Dana Marston provides insight into Iowa’s attempts to restructure and stabilize its health insurance market, as well as run-down of this week’s legislative markups, meetings, and hearings on Capitol Hill.

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This Week in Washington - Week of June 12, 2017

June 13, 2017

The pace of Washington stalled last week as the legislative agenda was replaced by all things Russia. The Senate is working behind the scenes to make healthcare work because they know what is at stake. Tax reform/reduction is next up. Steve Gordon covers it all in Heard on the Hill. Steve also captures the thoughts of Senator John Thune (R-SD), Chairman of the Senate Republican Caucus and the Senate Commerce Committee. Larry Smith reports on the latest in trade/NAFTA. We profile this week Senator Lamar Alexander and Senator Mike Enzi. Dana Marston provides this week’s calendar of hearings and markups, as well as a look at the rise in household debt. She also digs into the recent U.S.-Mexico sugar accord, which some say sets the stage for NAFTA re-negotiations later this year.

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This Week in Washington - Week of June 5, 2017

June 7, 2017

Congressional recess periods like we had last week are a time to back away, get a little rest and get even more perspective. Most Congressional staffers as well as folks in the advocacy and political communities who remain in Washington after Congress adjourns take a collective deep breath – then begin to organize their thoughts and plan for the next Congressional work period. We focus this week on trade and defense. Larry Smith brings us up to date on trade and NAFTA news, and Jake Ostenso reports on a briefing by the Bipartisan Policy Group which featured Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross; Jack Gerard, CEO of the American Petroleum Institute; and Charles Bowling Jr., Chairman of the Corn Board of the National Corn Growers Association. Al Jackson provides a thorough review of the President’s budget proposal for defense. Dana Marston shares an early look at data behind NAFTA renegotiations, growth in the trade deficit, and a calendar of upcoming hearings and markups. Steve Gordon summarizes where we are on key legislative proposals and talks about prospects and distractions in Heard on the Hill.

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This Week in Washington - Week of May 29, 2017

May 31, 2017

Thanks for your continued interest in Washington, D.C. and This Week in Washington. This is our abbreviated Memorial Day report. Steve Gordon talks about taxes, health care, the Trump budget, a new energy bill, the upcoming special election in Georgia, all things Russian, and the sounds of Washington over the Memorial Day holiday in this week’s Heard on the Hill. Larry Smith updates us on Trade and NAFTA, and Dana Marston provides some info on GDP growth through the first quarter of 2017. We’ll be back with a full complement of reports in next week’s This Week.

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Todd Smith named among 2017’s Political Influencers for Georgia

May 15, 2017

Total Spectrum Partner Todd Smith is named as one of the most well connected lobbyists in Washington, D.C. for Georgia interests by James Magazine. Congratulations, Todd!

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This Week in Washington - Week of May 8, 2017

May 10, 2017

Last week was a busy one in Washington. Glenn Hamer and a group of Chamber members joined the Greater Phoenix Economic Council in a trip to Washington, D.C. for a series of meetings. Both the House of Representatives and the Senate passed legislation appropriating funds for the government through the end of September. The House Financial Services Committee continued their work on Dodd-Frank reform. And – oh yes – the House of Representatives passed their version of healthcare legislation that would repeal and replace Obamacare. HR 1628 – The American Health Care Act – is significant both as a legislative product and as part of the legislative and political process, so we’re going to examine the bill both ways. Todd Smith and Blake Fulenwider, Total Spectrum’s newest partners, are both experts in health care legislation, and have taken the lead in a review of what’s in the House bill. Steve Gordon discusses the legislative and political impact of the House healthcare bill, the legislation that kept the lights on in government, and some of the other things he heard last week in Heard on the Hill. John McKechnie, Total Spectrum’s Senior Partner, writes about the bill that was passed out of the House Financial Services Committee to modernize Dodd-Frank.

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TS Partner Blake Fulenwider discusses ACA’s future before Georgia Bar Association

April 19, 2017

At the invitation of the Georgia Bar Association, Total Spectrum Partner Blake Fulenwider spoke before their Health Law Section on April 18 to discuss the latest on repeal and replace of the Affordable Care Act. With a focus on Georgia, Blake discussed the state’s perspective on developments at the federal level as well as planning by the Georgia Chamber of Commerce with regard to Medicaid expansion. Blake is also slated to offer his thoughts on ACA repeal and replace on May 5, when he’ll speak at the American Academy of Pediatrics' Georgia Chapter spring meeting of pediatric nurses and practice managers associations. Click below for additional meeting details.

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This Week in Washington - Week of April 17, 2017

April 18, 2017

The Senate is in recess this week, and so is This Week in Washington. We will be back next week with a larger issue summarizing where things stand inside the beltway and where things might be going.

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This Week in Washington - Week of April 10, 2017

April 11, 2017

This week was the last week before a two-week Congressional recess and district work period. It was also a very successful week for the new Administration. Republicans are hoping that this week saw the signs that the President and the Administration have steadied the ship, turned the corner, and can use their momentum to tackle tax reform and infrastructure. Larry Smith has this week’s cover stories, highlighting the confirmation of Justice Gorsuch and an update on trade and NAFTA. Al Jackson provides an update on defense appropriations activity. Steve Gordon discusses the President’s wins last week and the things that need to be dealt with when Congress returns in “Heard on the Hill.” Steve continues with his Profile of Key People: An introduction to the People who drive the Policy Wagon. This week he introduces us to Senator John Thune of South Dakota—Chairman of the Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, a member of the Finance Committee and Chairman of the Republican Conference – the third ranking leadership position among Republican Senators. Dana Marston provides glimpse at which states have the most at stake in renegotiating NAFTA.

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This Week in Washington - Week of April 3, 2017

April 5, 2017

The Trump Administration is 75 days old today. There is no question that it’s been a rocky start with almost a daily push and pull between noise (extraneous messaging) and news (his agenda). Cable news shows focus on the noise and the ongoing investigations about Russia’s involvement in the past election are making TV stars out of some of the key members of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees. The Administration needs a ‘win’ – and it will get a big one this Friday when President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch is approved by the U.S. Senate. In our headline article, Larry Smith describes the case between Volks Constructors and OSHA and how Congress and the Administration are using the Congressional Review Act to get some of the regulatory relief that’s been promised – and that can be achieved. Larry also updates NAFTA and Trade. Steve Gordon talks about progress on the Administration’s key legislative agenda in Heard on the Hill, and he begins a profile series introducing us to key people in Washington who drive the policy wagon. Dana Marston provides a quick look at the $18 billion in proposed budget cuts FY2017, as well as a glimpse at the White House’s new Office of American Innovation. We’ll also provide a calendar of Capitol Hill’s upcoming hearings and meetings.

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