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Press Articles

This Week in Washington - September 28, 2018

September 28, 2018

Supreme Court nominations used to be fairly tame events, but those days are gone. We said that if the special Judiciary Committee hearing occurred yesterday it would generate huge ratings in Washington – and the hearing and the ratings didn’t disappoint. Steve Gordon reports on Thursday in Washington and other trends and pending events in Heard on the Hill. Jake Ostenso updates us on his Agency Watch. Dana Marston provides a next week’s Senate calendar, then looks at tariffs’ impacts upon state imports as well as trade with Mexico, last year’s particularly harsh flu season, and one of several appropriations bills. Next week’s This Week will publish on Monday, October 8th.

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This Week in Washington - September 21, 2018

September 21, 2018

It’s fair to say that people in Washington are focused on the Supreme Court nomination, the upcoming election, funding the government, and concern over trade negotiations. Steve Gordon talks about the Supreme Court confirmation battle from the perspective of politics, the down-to-the-wire work on the Fiscal Year 2019 budget, and trade concerns in Heard on the Hill. Larry Smith goes deeper yet on trade and NAFTA in his Trade Update, though be forewarned – the short-term doesn’t look rosy. Dana Marston takes a look at China’s latest retaliatory tariffs and which states sit best, from a fiscal perspective, should another recession creep up on us.

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TS Partner Jesse Weathington on Georgia’s Certificate of Need Regulations

September 20, 2018

Total Spectrum Georgia Director Jesse Weathington gave a presentation to the Georgia House Rural Development Council on certificate of need regulations. Weathington was invited to testify by the Council due to his extensive history with the issue and gave the council a description of how state-level regulations affect cost, quality, and access to health care services in rural and urban markets.

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TWIW - Special Edition - Remembering Senator John S. McCain III

August 27, 2018

Washington mourns with Arizona and a grateful nation the passing of Senator John McCain. Everyone who had contact with Senator McCain has his or her own recollections and reflections. Steve Gordon was a consultant to Senator McCain’s campaign committee for most of the 1990’s and he shares his thoughts with us. We join with so many others in extending our thoughts and prayers to the McCain family.

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This Week in Washington - August 24, 2018

August 24, 2018

All eyes are focused on trade and NAFTA, and Larry Smith brings us up-to-date. Steve Gordon talks and types about what he’s heard this week in Heard on the Hill. Jake Ostenso has this week’s Agency Watch. Dana Marston – back from salmon fishing in Alaska – looks at where student borrowers are struggling most, and breaks down a bipartisan bill to address the opioid crisis which the Senate hopes to pass after Labor Day. This morning, we received the exceedingly sad news that Senator John McCain is suspending treatment for his brain cancer. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Senator and his family. The Senate is scheduled to adjourn and leave town for Labor Day. We will not publish next Friday, but we will be back in your inbox on September 7th. Have a safe and enjoyable holiday.

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This Week in Washington - August 17, 2018

August 17, 2018

The House of Representatives continues its August recess. The Senate is in session and is working on judicial appointments and the appropriations packages for the next fiscal year. (spoiler alert: There will not be a government shutdown in September because both Majority Leader McConnell and Minority Leader Schumer have roughly agreed on the terms and the outcome). We’re adjusting our format this week. Steve Gordon converts his Heard on the Hill column to People on the Hill – and begins a series of interviews with people in Washington who represents segments of the Arizona business community. NAFTA discussions are ongoing with the clock ticking. Senator Orrin Hatch, Chairmanof the Finance Committee, gave an important speech in Utah this week on the value of free trade. It’s worthwhile reading – and we’ve linked to it here. Dana Marston is in Alaska fishing for salmon. Ramona Lessen has pulled together a visual on Foreign Direct Investment in US Industry Sectors, another one on Trading Tariffs on US Goods, and a third for the TWIW weekly calendar.

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Inside Democracy - August 17, 2018:  Q&A with Rep. Hank Johnson

August 17, 2018

U.S. Representative Hank Johnson represents the Fourth Congressional District of Georgia, which includes portions of DeKalb, Gwinnett and Newton counties and all of Rockdale County. He has served in the House of Representatives since 2007 and currently serves on the Judiciary Committee and the Transportation Committee. We recently asked the Congressman to visit with us and our Inside Democracy readers.

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This Week in Washington - August 10, 2018

August 10, 2018

This week we had planned to only publish Steve Gordon’s Heard on the Hill column. The Senate has been in recess all week, the House is on its’ August recess, and the pace of official Washington has slowed. But there are several key areas to report on – so report we are doing. Larry Smith’s update on Trade and NAFTA takes center stage. Al Jackson updates on Defense Appropriations and Steve Gordon submits this week’s Heard on the Hill. Steve Gordon will be back again next Friday with his Heard on the Hill – and will be joined by other members of the Total Spectrum team as events in Washington dictate.

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This Week in Washington - August 3, 2018

August 3, 2018

August has come to Washington. The House of Representatives are on recess for the month and the Senate went on a one-week recess. Steve Gordon is in Washington – and has prepared a timely ‘Heard on the Hill’ – which includes off-the-record discussion with a Senate Appropriator and news about trade and taxes. Steve will report again next Friday, and we will be back to full staff in two weeks. We greatly appreciate your comments and suggestions – and our loyal readers.

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Inside Democracy - July 27, 2018:  Q&A with Rep. David Scott

July 27, 2018

U.S. Representative David Scott represents the Thirteenth Congressional District of Georgia, which includes portions of six counties: Cobb, Clayton, Douglas, Fayette, Fulton, and Henry. He has served in the House of Representatives since 2002 and currently serves on the Financial Services Committee and the Agriculture Committee. We recently asked the Congressman to visit with us and our readers.

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