July 29, 2022
Patrick Robertson leads off with his Washington Whispers column, reporting on what’s going to happen in the Senate and the House before they leave town for the August recess, and previewing some of the activity that is anticipated during the balance of the calendar year. Al Jackson also updates us on defense and defense appropriations issues.
Jesse Weathington gives us the latest in Georgia with his Gold Dome Report. Ramona Lessen monitored the July 26th hearing of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Criminal Justice and Counterterrorism on decriminalizing cannabis at the federal level, and we’ve included her report in this edition.
Help wanted signs are really a sign of the times. Unemployment rates are remarkably low, there are as many as 11 million open jobs, and there are only about six million unemployed people. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce published a report last week entitled Understanding America’s Labor Shortage. It lends insight to the length and breadth of the problem and is worth the read.
Next week, we’ll share with you an interesting Spotlight interview with Kyle Zebley of the American Telemedicine Association. And then, we will take the month of August off before starting back up with This Week in Washington and Spotlight after Labor Day.
As always… stay safe, healthy, AND sane.