This Week In Washington: January 23, 2017

This Week In Washington: January 23, 2017

January 24, 2017

This Week in Washington Returns

The Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry is delighted to partner with Total Spectrum to provide a weekly report targeted to Chamber members called This Week in Washington.

Donald Trump’s November victory was a barrier-blasting event. Republicans now control the White House and both houses of Congress, and it’s absolutely clear that Washington, D.C. will see a significant, if not unprecedented, transformation in both policy and regulation in a whole host of areas.

There will assuredly be activity in a number of key federal issues that are important to Arizona, including healthcare (including ObamaCare overhaul and Medicaid expansion); taxes; trade; the budget; immigration; defense; regulatory reform; and transportation/infrastructure. We know you will want to stay both informed and involved. We’ll provide an overview on each of these issues, and then we will provide weekly updates. The overviews and updates will be written by Total Spectrum professionals who are both experienced and knowledgeable, and are involved in these issues.

Additionally, Steve Gordon of Total Spectrum will write a short column each week entitled Heard on the Hill. It will focus on the executive orders, nominations, activities, and rumblings in Washington, D.C. during the Trump Administration’s first 100 days.

Click below to download TWIW for the week of January 23, 2017.