Using his experience gained over 20 years in Washington, D.C., Todd Smith leverages his extensive legislative, regulatory, and political expertise on behalf of his clients. His knowledge and relationships allow him to be a strong advocate on a myriad of policy issues, including agriculture, telecommunications, health, transportation, energy, taxes, and the environment.
Todd has represented both Governor Nathan Deal and Governor Brian Kemp as an outside consultant before the White House, Executive Branch, and members of Congress, including the Georgia Congressional delegation.
Previously, Todd spent nearly 14 years on Capitol Hill, serving as Legislative Director, Deputy Chief of Staff, and Chief of Staff for then-Congressman Nathan Deal of Georgia – who was both the Chairman and Ranking Member of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health. Todd advised then-Congressman Deal on all matters that came before the Energy and Commerce Committee, including issues surrounding telecommunications, the Internet, food and drug safety, healthcare, Medicare, Medicaid, energy, and the environment.
He also served as Policy Director for Governor Deal’s 2010 gubernatorial campaign. In 2017, James Magazine named Todd as one of its Top Political Influencers in Washington, D.C. for Georgia.
Todd has cultivated strong relationships with members and staff on Capitol Hill. He has spent considerable time and effort connecting with the Members and staff of the House Energy & Commerce Committee, the House Ways & Means Committee, the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, the Senate Finance Committee, and Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.